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Social Care integration

Liquidlogic has an exemplary track record when it comes to integration, with particular emphasis on health integration. Liquidlogic supplies a number of APIs (Application Program Interface) to assist customers in integrating external systems with the Liquidlogic Children’s and Adults’ systems.

Integration with Healthcare

Liquidlogic specialises in integrating Health and Social Care information systems and has consistently been first in delivering joined-up technology such as integration with the Child Protection – Information Sharing project (CP-IS), which supports staff working in unscheduled healthcare settings to identify children who are looked after and share information with relevant social care teams.

Other examples of Liquidlogic’s health and social care integration include the NHS Adapter project, which promotes the use of secure technology to discharge patients from hospital into the community, and two-way integration with the NHS Patient Demographic Service (PDS).

Liquidlogic has a significant track record, history and experience in integrating and sharing information to pull Health and Social Care together more closely and the company continues to work closely with customers, partners, stakeholders and national bodies to define, design, build, and where necessary, accredit meaningful integration both quickly and professionally.

Liquidlogic has developed and delivered a broad (and growing) range of health integration interfaces, mechanisms and solutions.

These include:

  • NHS Spine and PDS integration (with Full Rollout Approval from HSCIC)
  • NHS ITK Integration
  • CP-IS integration - Liquidlogic was the first supplier to go live with CP-IS
  • NHS Number Import
  • NHS mail integration
  • MIG Health Care Gateway integration
  • Graphnet integration
  • Direct integration with Out Of Hours GP systems (autoflagging)
  • The multi-agency, cross-sector Coordinate My Care service (providing end of life care and coordinated planning across the London area)
  • Multi-agency Single Assessment Process solutions (providing older person’s assessment and care planning across two national programme clusters)
  • Integrated SingleView solution (bringing information from different systems and services together)
  • Following on from the national CAF programme, Liquidlogic also worked with Barnsley Council to deliver integration with SystmOne (through a third-party integration partner) which allows Adult Social Care and their main Hospital Trust (Barnsley Foundation NHS Trust) to share clinical documents
  • EMISWeb integration (in progress)

Liquidlogic’s solutions can help to join Health and Social Care in a wide range of different ways, for example:

  • Integrated, electronic Hospital Admissions, Discharges and GP Referrals

  • ITK integration enables assessments, care plans and clinical documents to be shared between Health and Social Care agencies, systems and services

  • Case, assessment and wider information sharing across Health and Social Care

  • Multi-disciplinary, joint patient assessment and care planning

  • Multi-agency working and cross-organisation workflow

  • Automated email alerts and reports for GPs and Health Partners through secure NHSMail

  • Bringing vital Child Social Care case indicators, alerts and details to key health professionals at point of treatment and providing important alerts and information to Child Social Care staff when at-risk children visit unscheduled care settings

  • Providing secure, managed access to national PDS patient records (allowing Live NHS number tracing, minimising administrative overheads of record maintenance, assisting record matching and improving data quality) and verified NHS numbers

  • Spine-based NHS smartcard single-sign-on with full Role Based Access Controls (RBAC)

  • Integrated authentication using NHS Smartcards and Digital Certificates

These solutions integrate with a range of different NHS services, including:

  • NHS Spine PDS (patient demographics and national NHS number details supporting Live patient identification, NHS number tracing and record matching)
  • NHS Spine SDS (including NHS organisation and staff details)
  • NHS Spine SSB (managing spine user security and centralising role based access)
  • NHS Spine DBS (supporting patient identification and batch NHS number tracing and patient record matching)
  • NHS Spine GS (centralised NHS gazetteer service)
  • NHS Spine CP-IS (Child Protection Information Sharing)
  • The NHS London Adapter

In addition to health integration, we have successful integrations with a wide range of systems, including numerous live integrations with Capita ONE Education system and live integration with eight different EDRMS systems.

People linkedLiquidlogic’s services have connected a wide range of organisations, agencies, teams and processes, including:

  • Social Care
  • Hospital Services and Teams
  • Hospices and Clinics
  • Medical Centres and GP Practices
  • Care Homes
  • Ambulance Services
  • Commissioning Groups
  • NHS Direct/111
  • OOH GP Services

doctor lightbulb

The integration is fully underpinned by recognised Health integration standards, including:

  • HL7v3 and SNOMED CT
  • CDA
  • ITK
  • SOAP
  • ebXML
  • LDAP
  • PDF

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