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The Liquidlogic Children's social care system is the UK's leading case management solution for children's social care.

The system supports all aspects of social work with children and has been specifically developed by and for practitioners to allow case management and record keeping for children in need, looked after children, adoption and child protection cases, as quickly and simply as possible.

Not simply an electronic social care record, the system can assist practitioners’ professional judgement by helping to make connections within a case, which may not otherwise be so apparent.

Family working is central to the system, which uses innovative technology to support recording for groups of people whilst maintaining individual records. In addition, the finance module enables true costs associated with a child and family to be understood and managed.

The SingleView component of the Liquidlogic children's social care system provides Local Authorities with the ability to view information about a child at risk from multiple IT systems through one single user interface.

One of the consistent themes to emerge from serious case reviews in recent years has been the need for effective information sharing across organisational boundaries. Liquidlogic SingleView provides a holistic view of the child or adult, drawing on information gathered from multiple systems. This gives practitioners a combined chronology and an overview of the child or adults' professional involvements across all involved agencies.

Liquidlogic SingleView highlights key information about the child and any discrepancies about data held about them from a number of systems which are specified by each Council. The information drawn from the underlying systems is customer definable. The information displayed to individual practitioners is also defined by their security profile.

The design philosophy of all Liquidlogic systems is that information is only entered once but the system ensures that it appears in the correct context, wherever else it is needed. Access to existing information within a case about a child, their relatives or other professionals is never more than a click away.

About Liquidlogic:

Liquidlogic, a System C company, is the fastest growing provider of social care IT solutions to Local Authorities in the UK with more than 80 customer implementations.

Our solutions provide for the effective management of services to vulnerable children, including those at risk and in care, as well as services to adults, including the elderly and those with learning and physical disabilities.

For a full list of Liquidlogic solutions and further information, visit

Case study:

Houses of ParliamentMind the gap: London Borough pioneers data sharing to join up health and social care services

A high proportion of customers using the Liquidlogic Children's system also use the Liquidlogic Adults' social care system. The two systems can operate independently, or as part of an integrated whole. Liquidlogic solutions allow data to be reused as appropriate to save practitioner time and protect the individual.

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