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Icon on E-Obs-vital signs


Vitals is our market-leading electronic observation and decision support system, designed to improve patient safety and outcomes. It calculates early warning scores (EWS) based on national standards such as NEWS2, or using algorithms provided by customers. It monitors and analyses patient vital signs to identify deteriorating conditions and provide risk scores to trigger escalation pathways. 

Vitals removes the need for paper charts and manages scheduled observations based on clinical need. It is fully rolled out in 32 trusts. 

Case study:

CareFlow Vitals delivers marked sepsis improvement at Barnsley

Since introducing e-observations software, Barnsley Hospital NHS Foundation Trust has seen immediate and marked improvements in recognising and treating sepsis, and ultimately in improving patient safety outcomes. 

The Trust is now among the best performing trusts in the country in its identification and treatment of patients with sepsis.

Barnsley Sepsis graph top

Read the full case study


Key components

Electronic observations

Vitals enables a clinician to take patient observations electronically, removing the need for paper charts all together.  A nurse can manage scheduled observations based on clinical need, reducing the time spent on routine tasks and freeing up staff time for care. Patient deterioration is detected early and escalated to the relevant doctor or specialist team.

Fluid management

This module simplifies the task of monitoring a patient’s fluid balance by integrating the electronic recording of a patient’s fluid inputs and outputs with observations. This intuitive functionality allows clinical staff to record the volume and nature of each fluid input and output accurately.

Outbreak control

The IPC functionality (Infection Prevention and Control) acts as a permanent early warning system of potential infection outbreaks. Identifying potential sources of new infections early can lead to a dramatic reduction in the number of outbreaks. This enables a Trust to make major savings whilst improving patient care and significantly reducing the risk of hospital-acquired infections. 



Our Sepsis module delivers comprehensive functionality to identify, risk-stratify and audit the delivery of appropriate care for patients with potential sepsis, in accordance with published guidance. The module also supports all key indicators required by the national CQUIN “Reducing the impact of serious infection”.

Assessments and screening

These procedures are completed at the bedside with full connectivity to pathology and radiology results. Common Vitals assessments include dementia screening, VTE, nutritional & alcohol assessments.


The powerful and scalable alerting capability ensures that subscriptions are configured to suit different workflows. This functionality helps users receive selected, immediate updates on a patient as soon as an alert is triggered.


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